
Updated on August 12, 2009
S.V. asks from Albuquerque, NM
4 answers

Hi all!
Our kids right now are all about swimming and staying in a motel - they don't need the fancy amusement parks, etc. right now so I thought it might be fun to surprise my kids and husband by just staying at a local motel with a nice pool - a fun place here in Albuquerque. Has anyone done this and do you have any recommendations on places to stay?


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answers from Albuquerque on

Hotel Albuquerque on Rio Grande has a beautiful pool!! Nice and big! It is also walking distance from old town and museums like Explora and the Natural History ! (Just in case they do get tired of the room) The rooms are not the prettiest, but they can be a good deal, especially if you go during the week. They also have a nice little cafe right in the hotel and QBar if the the adults get a chance to have a drink and live music!
It is right across the street from the park and there is a new Albuquerque Trolley that can give you a tour around Albuquerque so you can even pretend like you are tourists in your own city! Plus lots of other places to eat in old town.



answers from Albuquerque on

That hotel on Carlisle & I-40 with the indoor waterpark!!!



answers from Albuquerque on

Look into the Ramada (maybe Raddisson?) on Carlisle and Menaul. Last I heard they were building a huge water park at that facility and it might be done (I think its for guests of the hotel only)



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi S.,

We love to do this! There is a new Holiday Inn Express off I-25 and Jefferson. They have a nice indoor pool with a slide. The rooms are very nice and roomy. The staff is also great. The hotel is close to Century 24, you could surprise them with tickets to a movie too.

Have fun on your staycation!!!

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