Out here we have EI which is early intervention program. My daughter was evaluated at 24 months. Thank goodness!!!! First she had a dysfluency. By getting her treatment early it prevented any social impact and within a year it disappeared (for now anyway). They also identified to me that she was pocketing food. See, to me this is normal, because I did it as a kid. Wrong! She had underdeveloped jaw muscles. I had this, and it was never addressed. Now I suffer from TMJ, which then triggers migraines, even sleeping disturbances because i cant put pressure on my jaw. I cannot chew gum, meat, etc because of undiagnosed jaw problems. It is miserable. Hopefully I have spared her this.
My older son was evaluated at 3 and failed his hearing test twice. He needed some medical intervention and is fine now. Had this not been caught he would have had a speech delay and who knows what else.
My niece was having speech problems and because of the screening they found impacted wax in both ears. She has speech problems, but with the early intervention she is doing much better then if it had not been caught early.
Most school districts have offer a free evaluation for speech, OT, PT, vision and hearing. Ours offer this 3x yearly and per request also.
There is nothing wrong with getting more information or having him evaluated. Also, should a problem occur later, having him evaluated now would provide a great baseline for his development later on.
There is so much more known about these things when we were kids and that is why it is getting addressed younger and younger. It was very wise, and not crazy, for me to have a two year old in speech therapy.
Best of luck to you!