ETA- i completely disagree with those saying to offer sippy cups of formula. nothing is better than the breastmilk and if she needs to nurse more, that would be much more beneficial than formula. also, that could mess up your current supply, and you end up always drinking less from a sippy than you would from a bottle or nursing. water is what you start in a sippy but i would not offer water at all if calorie intake is the goal.
well, did she drop dramatically in her % of weight? like did she go from 50% to 20%? is she petite? did she lose weight?
i really wouldnt worry too much. honestly, if she really has a weight issue, you should try to get her to nurse more first, not fill her up with the solids. there is no worry at all that she never had a bottle, there is no need she needs one ever in her life. as for the cereal, i fed mine 3 times a day when first doing solids, then move on to the cereal in the morning then again at night, along with either a fruit or veggie(and at lunch i did just one fruit and one veggie, no cereal)
as for the eating, have you tried jarred baby food? if you are planning on making your own baby food, which is fine, i would highly suggest you get a proper baby food making book to give you ideas. as for what you have given her, you havent really given her anything fun, lol. my kids hated avocados. what about bananas, apricot, peaches, yogurt, sweet potatoes? then there are even the spanish ones like guava. once you get her to eat one thing, and see there is no reaction, you move on to something else. like give her banana like 2-3 days, then add a tiny bit of peach, then eventually try peach. then do the same with sweet potatoe. if she likes the cereal, mix all with the cereal, but i have a feeling once she accepts the texture of the new foods, she will be fine. yobaby yogurt actually has a bit of sugar in it, but if she wont take anything, i would highly suggest trying that, mine loved it.
i waited until 6 months as well, and by doing so, she will actually get to stage 2 sooner than someone who started at 4-5 months. the next stages are much more interesting as taste is paid more attention too. remember, sometimes you have to offer something like 20 times before they finally take it, and of course, they truley wont like 100% of what you give them. at 6 months, you could also give her very, very cooked macaroni elbows. see if there is any interest in self feeding
dont fret, your baby is just 6 months, she would be fine just nursing. the food at 6 months is not supposed to be her main meal, its just used to get a baby used to textures, taste, and swallowing. unless there is something else going on, just keep trying. do not, under any circumstances, lessen your nursing. that is the best thing no matter what.
my first, i did traditional baby foods and bottle fed formula. with the 2nd i did whats called baby led weaning. it def isnt for everyone. the idea is to let babies self feed finger foods. i would just offer banana pieces, carrots, peas, potatoes, macaronis, cheeses, ect. all were cooked to be very soft so there shouldnt be choking issues. it took patience, but in the end, i saw no difference between my two children as of 12 months in terms of eating. i dont think it made any impact. but in your case, it might be something else you look into if there is no change in her eating. good luck, and really, its way too soon to worry.