A dear friend of mine in Boca Raton, FL has a master's degree in holistic nutrition. She works with a functional medicine MD who is treating cancer patients with a diet that's basically as much protein and fat as you can eat, plus veggies, some fruits but NO processed foods or dairy. People are apparently thriving on this. I'm sorry that I don't know exactly what it's called but I'm sure you can find information on Google about it, type in high fat low carb cancer diet and I'm thinking it will come up.
There's also something called the Budwig Protocol. Dr Budwig was (is? Not sure she is still living) some kind of chemist I think. She created a protocol using flax oil and cottage cheese. Yes, sounds nuts. However, my 75 yr old voice teacher swears it cured his prostate cancer 20 years ago. Go to budwigcenter.com.
I hope that's helpful. Neither diet can HURT YOU, so it's probably worth trying out. I hope things turn for the better. You're in my thoughts.