I had breast cancer 12 years ago. Tell her to get off all foods that have preservatives and all meats. Nothing in cans or boxes. They all have preservatives and chemicals. Her body needs to be able to fight the cancer exclusively and not share it with trying to get rid of chemicals and such. No tap water. Drink purified. No canned drinks. Continue doing this for about a year. Her thoughts must be positive (which is hard to do), but think of this as not the end, but just a bump in the road and big hill, that she has to climb over, but she will get to the top and easy sliding from there. Prayer is a big one and helping others (i.e. volunteer with the less fortunate). It gets your mind off yourself.
Positive, positive, positive. Don't stay in the house and mope. Continue as usual, the best you can.
Oh. also go to the health food store and find herbs to upbuild the immune system.