As a mother with a child who has true panic attacks ... your daughter isn't having them. My son has NEVER had a panic attack because he was told to clean his room. And he just turned 10 also.
Your daughter is throwing a huge temper tantrum. And that's fine, she can be mad and not want to clean her room. Doesn't mean you have to acknowledge it or give in to it. Her room has a door ... close it when she throws a fit. The rule in my house is "you wanna throw a fit .. go right ahead. However you have to do it in your room and there will be no kicking the walls or doors or anything else where I have to hear a barrage of thumps and bumps. And when you're done with your fit ... clean your room."
My question for you to think about is Why are you arguing with a 9 yr old? YOU are the mama YOU make the rules. She can either abide by them or suffer the consequences. The last thing I'd like you to think about is if your daughter is spoiled ... who spoiled her? It's not too late to change that, but if you don't do it now ... you're going to have hell on wheels when she's a teenager.
Good luck.