Just my two cents - before you put your $ down on a "talking kitchen", think about whether *you* could stand hearing the toy talking in the background all*day*long! Also, personally I like the smaller play kitchen sets because I'd rather not have a big chunk of the room taken up by a play kitchen (kids can play with the "big" play kitchens at preschool and church nursery LOL) and my kids are good at improvising with the small toy kitchen and cardboard boxes and the like to make the 'kitchen' work for their play time. We got a secondhand Hello Kitty one at a consignment store and it was about the size of a toaster oven but worked great for my girls and we could just put it in the closet when they weren't using it (come to think of it, it's *still* in their closet, they're almost 9YO!)
an example of a small toy kitchen that another family we know enjoyed is this one for about $25 at amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Alex-Wooden-Cook-Top-Playstove/dp/B...