The flavor is going to be very different but very different doesn't always equal bad. :)
I just mixed up some dough using Whole Wheat Flour instead of unbleached white. ARGH! There's not enough sourdough starter to restart right now......It's in the bowl to rise. Is this going to work? Backup plan is mac and cheese but still hoping this might work. Any ideas, predictions tips? Thanks!
So far so good. It rose like it should and I've rolled it out. I put one in the freezer and will use one in a few hours (in the fridge now) for my daughter and her friend.
The flavor is going to be very different but very different doesn't always equal bad. :)
Yes it will work and be healthier :)
Hi! We use whole wheat for everything, pizza, cookies, cake, pie crust, everything. It will be fine. Watch because sometimes it's a little drier and may need a little more liquid and of course knead well. Good luck!
Yes, it will work. The problem you may run into with pizza dough and whole wheat flour is that the gluten effectively gets shredded by the shards of bran in the whole wheat flour and therefore doesn't develop the way it would in a dough made with white flour. Adding a bit of extra liquid to your dough can help.
I do that on purpose! ;) It should be fine. Now you have whole wheat sourdough! I substitute whole wheat flour in my pizza dough and as much else I can.