SOPA Hijack! Jennifer H, You Still Get Credit :)

Updated on January 19, 2012
J.B. asks from Katy, TX
12 answers

I just want to ad to what Jennifer H started this morning. SOPA and PIPA also give the right to ANY manufacturer of ANY product to shut down a website if that manufacturer thinks their goods are being sold improperly or they haven't been compensated for their product properly.
Example: A pair of Nike shoes on ebay/craigslist/amazon, Nike can have that stopped if they feel the item for sale isn't on the up and up or was not obtained properly.
Go to Craigslist and you can see how to help stop this from happening. Personally I don't think it will happen, but you never know.
So, do you think it is a big deal or not?

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answers from Seattle on


I am not going to rant I have ranted on all the other threads about it...

Being in America is no longer what it used to be:(

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answers from Norfolk on

The BBC has a good article about it:

Says Senator Chris Dodd, the chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America
"It is an irresponsible response and a disservice to people who rely on them for information... A so-called 'blackout' is yet another gimmick, albeit a dangerous one, designed to punish elected and administration officials who are working diligently to protect American jobs from foreign criminals."

I find it ironic that a politician is NOW worried about American jobs being stolen by foreign criminals when off-shoring American jobs has been standard operating procedure since the mid 1990's.
Oh, I get it - the wrong people are making money off internet piracy as oppose to the right people making money from off-shoring.

I don't think internet piracy is a good thing, but SOPA and PIPA are not the ways to go about fixing the problems.

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answers from Lakeland on

This is a big deal and my hubby and I can't believe how the government keeps taking small steps to control every aspect of our everyday lives. It really worries me that our country seems to be changing for the worst. How much longer before we have no rights at all.

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answers from Los Angeles on

HUGE deal.

We are becoming China. With either option for presidency, communism the fast way or communism the slow way. Hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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answers from Boca Raton on

Yes it is a Big Deal.

Let's all put pressure on our representatives and let them know they will not slip this one past us without significant political repercussions (i.e., VOTE THEM OUT NO MATTER THEIR POLITICAL PERSUASIONS).

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answers from Dallas on

I was totally mistaken when I first heard about it - I didn't realize how extreme the laws were. Perhaps, technically, by you referring to Nike specifically, since it is a brand name, your post would be illegal, huh?

So would they have to shut down Mamapedia if we ask for the best Band-Aid, Kleenex, Disney movie, since they are all copyrighted names?

I have a better understanding and appreciation now. has a great link to protest the potential laws.

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answers from New York on

I am a very low user of Internet, let me refresh that, I come here often (more often then what I should) but I don't use many websites.
I don't download music, movies or games.
I don't use facebook or any other network web besides mamapedia.
I barely use Youtube.
I don't post pictures, music, etc, etc.etc.
I pretty much use my computer to check my mail, post in Mamapedia and read Wikipedia when I need some info (this last one would really bother me if it would go away)
And still can find this as a huge impact not only for me but to the boundaries as a country.
All this starts to look more like the book of Atlas Shrugged in some way.

I do however, found this hard to believe that it will go through, I hope is all a "hey, pay attention to me" because I think it would affect us all (even them)
Or perhaps a strategy for a new product to come that will save us all for a small about of $XZY?

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answers from Dallas on

I find it odd that the three big backers of this bill are: MPAA, The USChamber of commerce and the Recording Industry Association of America.
A little light into why this bill is being pushed and who thinks they will have $$ to gain - or so they think. I concur with B's assessment.
MOre for reading pleasure. . .

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answers from McAllen on

ugh, It is HUGE!!
This SOPA law is so offensive! we take great pride in this country being a free country, this will be such a slap in the face!.
It will affect the way we see things today and encourage extreme prejudism.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

O. question: I keep hearing the phrase "Anyone will be able to SHUT down a website if they feel their property is not properly represented."

Does anyone know HOW that works? actually HOW someone can "shut down" a website for which they do not have access? Surely there is more to this process than Joe, in his office hitting some big, red "Easy" button?

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answers from Chicago on

Just like Joe Biden said "This is a BIG FU@&!*G deal"

I feel like this is a huge government overreach just like 'Obamacare'

The Government have bigger fish to fry, like getting people working and I don't mean more government jobs.

And the *people* that will be policing the internet are probably the "Death Panels" in Obamacare.

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answers from Austin on

I don't think the government needs to get involved. Nothing in life is perfect. Them trying to police it won't be perfect either! That last thing we need is our HUGE government wasting our time and resources (tax $'s) on one more thing that is none of their business. If they slowly start controlling everything under the sun, we will become communists over time.

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