Son's Wedding Was Wonderful

Updated on May 27, 2017
S.B. asks from Spring, TX
15 answers

I wanted to share with you wonderful ladies...

My son got married Saturday! It was wonderful. Hubby and I were sitting and watching this amazing young man as he promised his life to his amazing new bride. Yes, I love her already!!!

As I sat there I was remembering when he was a little guy and would run down the hall in his batman jammies yelling "I'm clean" to everyone in the house!! Or telling me he was "protecting" me from the aliens in the backyard. It is hard to believe that he is a grown man now. Oh, I'm going to cry happy tears again!!!

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So What Happened?

Thanks everyone! It was an amazing weekend filled with love and family.

Wild Woman - she graduated. My son graduated last year. =) She starts her DPT program June 5th. The boy is employed in his field making decent $$$. Yay!!!

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answers from Dallas on

I know you are proud as you should be!!! I'm so glad everything worked out for the wedding and the new couple!

I had lunch with my daughter today! She's on her first "real" job internship and getting paid!!!! Her first internship was a no pay one but lot of fun but I didn't like subsidizing that business! Off to the real world!!!!

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answers from Washington DC on

YAHOO!! soooo happy for you and your new addition to your family!

Congratulations on his marriage and her graduation - or did they both graduate?

Going to see the Marine Corps band perform on Sunday.
Going to see my kids in the DC Memorial Day parade on Monday.

May God grant them MANY happy, healthy and wealthy years!!

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answers from Boston on

This is great! So happy that he is happy, which makes you happy!

For me, a great thing was my son passing through town with his new girlfriend. I'm in MA, he's in DC, and they went to Maine for her to run in a marathon. On the way home, he brought her here to meet us.

She qualified for the 2018 Boston Marathon by her time in this Maine Marathon. My son ran Boston for the first time just last month, and he had a fantastic performance (2 hours 47 minutes on a challenging course, including the famous Heartbreak Hill).

Like you, I'm thrilled to see my little guy blossom into a mature man who makes great choices but who still wants to include his parents in things!

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answers from Honolulu on

Congratulations to your son and his new wife! That is very happy news to hear.

I also have a grown son. He is an honors graduate of the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences and for the last 5 years he's been happily employed as an audio engineer, monitor engineer and sound technician in Texas.

He's healthy, has good friends, is well regarded in the audio technician field, lives in a nice house shared with 2 other engineers. And 2 months ago he was selected by his sound production company to join a Norwegian band on the South American leg of their international tour.

He left Monday for Rio de Janeiro (the first stop on the extended tour), and I was a nervous wreck. It was quite an ordeal getting his work visas, and his immunizations against typhoid, yellow fever and hepatitis.

But he was able to call this morning, and he's loving it. He travels everywhere with the band and other crew members in a large van, and the first two shows went just fine. Of course he said there were a lot of details to work out, having never done sound for these guys, so he had to learn their requirements and learn the ins and outs of the venues. But he said the guys are talented musicians, and their shows are good. Today everyone was traveling together to see the impressive statue of Christ the Redeemer. And he said "mom, you know how every hotel has a coffee pot in or near the lobby for guests? And it's usually the crappiest coffee ever?" Well this hotel, even though it's really small (he says his room is pretty much just walls around a bed) has a coffee pot, and it is stunningly good. He says it's the best coffee he has even had; he could never have even imagined that coffee could taste like that. It was funny listening to him raving about the coffee in the small lobby. The whole group eats together and will spend the occasional day off together, for safety.

He'll be gone until the end of June (all over South and Central America) so I'm still nervous for his safety, but I know he's savvy and smart. I'm so excited for his amazing opportunity. He's wanted to do a live tour for a long time.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Congratulations to all! What an exciting time!

I went to a mosaic society meeting this past weekend and the president was honoring the volunteer of the year. I was ready to snap a picture of the recipient when my name was called. To say I was surprised is an understatement.

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answers from Abilene on

Congrats to you and I'm so happy you love his bride. I'm sure this is just the beginning of many happy years. My parents love my husband as their son and tell people all the time how much he means to them. It's the best gift a parent can give their child.

We celebrated my daughter this weekend in Orlando. Can't believe she heads to boot camp in 16 days. Cherishing every second.

Thanks for sharing with us! Great post!

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answers from Amarillo on

Congratulations to the new couple and to you as the "mom of the groom". It is a moment in life when you can't describe all the changes in your son's life from birth to adult and now a husband. Just sit back and bask in the glow that you did the right things to bring up such a wonderful man.

My son will celebrate his 8th wedding anniversary next month.

Have a good weekend this weekend. You haven't lost a son, you gained a daughter.

the other S.

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answers from Portland on

Congratulations! That is happy news!

I have had a wonderful visit from one of my closest, dearest friends. It has been lovely reconnecting with her. Feels like it was just yesterday since we last saw each other :)

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answers from Chicago on

What an exciting weekend for you, and congratulations!
So nice to see a happy post!

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answers from Boston on

Well nothing happened that's as exciting as watching your child get married. Congrats on your new family member. They grow up in the blink of an eye.

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answers from New York on

Congratulations you must be over the moon.

This weekend I have penciled in rest with a side relaxation both indoors and outdoors if the weather can hold up.

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answers from Washington DC on

My daughter also got married last Saturday. :)
It was a beautiful ceremony attended by family and friends from all over the nation. We watched as she promised her heart to a very fine young man who promised his heart to her. They are so happy!
The reception was fabulous - and the Father / Daughter dance was one for the ages! It was such a great day!!

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answers from Miami on

So happy for you! What a lovely post!

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answers from Portland on

Congratulations! What a wonderful thing to read. It must feel good to launch your son into a truly adult life with a young woman you all enjoy.

I'm at home alone for a week; my usual 'staycation' while my husband and son are visiting family. (their house is small and his sister and niece are also going, we have cats that need caring for, works beautifully for everyone). I'm just puttering, going on walks, meeting friends for meals, watching movies and catching up on a few projects. In short, taking some time to recharge so when they come back, I can do it all over again. :)

Lori H: my best wishes for your daughter going to boot camp in Orlando. I did my boot camp there... um, over 26 years ago, but still have vivid memories. Make sure you get her some boring bras and granny panties before she goes, and a cute, short haircut! (in my day they OWNED the new recruits, right down to their undies!)

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answers from San Francisco on

Aww, that's wonderful. Congratulations!

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