Hi! I can feel you have a heavy burden on your heart!
I have 4 boys and 1 girl. My husband is medicated for ADD. My oldest was diagnosed 7 years ago with ADD. We can already tell our 4 yr old has it. Our 12 yr old doesn't have it, but he has bad anxiety and a little OCD.
I feel I have ADD by association! I tell my husband quite often that I need therapy for dealing with this. My husband at least recognizes that he needs medication and tries very hard to please. After having our first son, I now realize that my husband doesn't do these things on purpose to upset me. He really does try to listen and remember what we talk about. I can tell when he's trying to listen but he's not hearing me. He can't help it. His mind is bouncing in so many directions. What really upsets me is when we have a serious conversation about finances or the kids and then several days later he can't remember that conversation.
This is the same with our oldest child. He's 15 now and in high school. He's very bright and that's the only reason he's doing as well as he is in school. He also has dyslexia and straubismis. He's very polite and that is why his teachers deal with him and give him so many chances. I homeschooled him until 7th grade. We tried 4 different meds and he just doesn't do well on meds. When he started school he wouldn't let me tell the teachers about his vision problems or the ADD. He doesn't want to stand out. So...it's very frustrating for me to watch him struggle. He wholeheartedly wants to do well. (of course, he's a typical teen too). :)
With this comes a wonderful free spirit, creative side as well. I love this part of him! So, in school he does really well in the arts catagory. He would do better in science and math if there were no written work! :) Ha Ha.
His teachers always tell me how smart he is, but he always forgets to hand in his assignments. A constant battle. He will tell me he did he assign. and think he deserves some credit just for doing it, even though the teacher never saw it! LOL! URRRGGGG! frustrating!
I would like to give you something to think about. Is it possible that your husband feels that even if he tries to do better that he will still fail, so why try at all???? Do you validate him when he really does try? Do you notice things that he does for you, even small things? Even having a job that supports your family would be a start. I get onto my husband a lot and he gets really frustrated. This is the same with my teenager. I've learned to back off and be okay with things. Sometimes I do explode! I'm not perfect either. I wish I had it in me to try as hard as my husband. He thinks I walk on water.
Also, you might consider homeschooling your son for a few years. He will likely get labeled in school. Maybe the meds will help stop this. I really wish you the best of luck! I know it's frustrating!