This subject is very near and dear to my heart. My son was diagnosed with a congential cataract when he was 6 months old and had to undergo surgery to remove the defective lens from his eye. We have spent the last three years under the care of his opthomologist treating his subsequent strabismus. He wears a contact in his eye full time and also has to patch the other eye daily to help strengthen the eye. He is scheduled to undergo a second surgery within the year to replace the lens and operate on the muscles.
It is very stressful to have to watch your baby go through something like this, but my best advice is to become as informed as you can. Take him to more than one doctor for an opinion (you might want to ask your pediatrician for a referral), read all that you can, and ask questions until you are satisfied and comfortable with the treatment. Surgery can be scary, but in the long run if that is the best treatment, just make sure that you have done your research and you choose a doctor in whom you are confident.
I am facing the same fears of my son be teased or having lingering issues post surgery when he starts school. I know we all want to protect them. I think the best thing I can do for him is to get him the best care I can right now and face any remaining issues as needed.
Meanwhile, it sounds like your son is a great kid and is doing well, which is a good thing to focus on. Stay positive and know that there are great doctors out there that can help, you just need to put in the time to become informed and find the right doctor for your family.
Hang in there!!