Something Special for My Husband

Updated on October 20, 2008
K.G. asks from New Boston, MI
14 answers

My husband has been having a hard time at work. I really would like to do something special for my husband but I am having a hard time thinking of anything. Any suggestions as to what I could do?

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So What Happened?

Well it turns out what he really needed/wanted was to be able to go work out at the gym Friday night. He really just needed me to support him and not make him feel bad for being gone again... He isn't one of those guys who works out ALL the time either. He only does it 3 times a week but lately it has been maybe once. Working out gives him more energy and generally helps his disposition.
We also had a wonderful fall saturday hiking as a family and going to a pumpkin patch then we had friends over and played a game!
Thanks for the advice! I will keep some of those things in mind for late.

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answers from Saginaw on

My sons and I write messages on the bathroom mirror that will show up after the steam from the shower hits it.
Things like "we love you daddy" "have a good day etc.
The boys have fun and it makes the hubbies day. We also hide artwork in his computer bag. My son also sent his favorte stuffed animal in the bag one day for daddy to find.
Good Luck,

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answers from Saginaw on

Hi K.:
It's very thoughtful and considerate to be thinking about doing something special for your husband. As a wife and mom that was fortunate to be able to be at home with the boys, I sometimes I would forget the extra effort that my husband put in on behalf of the family. I would oftentimes put a note under his pillow letting him know how thankful I was for him for all he did for the family.
To go the extra mile and be really special, how about a romantic dinner after the kids are in bed. Another suggestion is to make it really personal and make him a coupon book filled with redeemable coupons for things you could do for him i.e., dinner of his choosing, a nice massage given by none other than you etc. Something really special about a thoughtful handmade gift.
Hope these suggestions are helpful for you.




answers from Detroit on

You are just a cutie-patootie!!

Maybe getting up with your husband and making him a special breakfast before he has to go out there and face the day. (Omlet, pancakes.. maybe just eggs and toast?)

Put a note in his steering wheel that you love him and are proud of the way he provides for your family everyday.

After the kids are in bed, give him a back or foot massage (whichever he might enjoy).

Maybe do one of "his" chores that has been stacking up (and don't tell him you did it.. also don't be hurt if he doesn't realize it for a while... or ever :-)

Have someone watch the kids, and take a picnic lunch of some of his favorite foods.

I love in one of Dr. Phil's books he says to wake up everyday and think of one little thing special that you can do for your spouse. And don't do it because you want something in return.. but just because you love and respect them. I bet you can think of great things on your own!!

Best of luck!

P.S. and if you're a Christian woman, pray for him!



answers from Detroit on

How about make him a poster board with pictures of just him and the kids if you have any? or even of you guys when you were first dating leading up to current times..



answers from Detroit on

Well, hopefully things pick up soon for your husband. Depending on finances, you could surprise him with a favorite dish of his that you haven't made in a while, followed by a yummy desert. Maybe rent a movie he would especially enjoy. You could have a sitter and have just husband and wife time or whatever you think he would especially enjoy. You could also do the same thing, but go out instead.

I hope things look up soon.



answers from Detroit on

A massage at a spa is always a good one. Some guys are a bit squeamish about it, but my husband LOVES a professional massage. I think there is a place called Royal Oak Massage or something like that - you can google it.



answers from Detroit on

You could schedule him a nice massage. that would relax him and make him feel much better. Also, try making him his favorite meal. Good luck! :)


answers from Detroit on

Get a sitter.Plan a date night/evening.Dinner and a movie away from the house if possible.If not go and rent some favorite movies cook him his favorite meal and enjoy the rest of your evening alone. :)

Good Luck!



answers from Detroit on

You could start sending him little love notes through the mail. Plan a meal (doesn't have to be expensive) for just the 2 of you (feed the kids and put them to bed) and then have a "picnic" in the living room. Surprise him for lunch (make an appt through his secretary and have her/he tell him it's a client. Take the kids to grandma's for the week-end. Buy him a book he would like and give him a day alone at home to read it (put an inscription on the inside cover to make it personal). Or, just ask him what you can do to make his week terrific, and then really make an effort to do it. Good luck.



answers from Detroit on

you need to see what really means the most to your husband. Acts of service ( like cooking a romantic dinner) or buying him something special. Or making a card and hearing what you love about him. Word of encouragement and that you are here for him no matter what might just be enough. Make a night (that is he off work) for just you guys and tell him that it is cuz work has been hard. Cook, make a card, give him a massage and baby him a little. and if gifs are his thing, go that route too. Every guy is different. but you would know him best :)



answers from Benton Harbor on

Get him a devotional book that is specific to his gender and anxieties.



answers from Detroit on

Hi K.,

Another thing you can do to surprise him is to pack a toiletries bag with a wonderfully scented shower gel and body lotion for him and hide it in his gym bag with a note to let him know that you love him, support him, and want him to smell absolutely wonderful when he comes home from his workout.

There are some wonderful products out there, and one of my favorites is one that I sell for men called Guydance through Warm Spirit. If you want to take a look at it, go to and type Guydance in the search box. Or, if you have a favorite scent that you enjoy for him, check to see if it comes in a shower gel and body moisturizer.



answers from Detroit on

Bless your heart for wanting to do something for him! So often we take our husbands for granted - I know I sure do! Mine would want to be listened to and verbally affirmed for how he's handling things. Let him know you appreciate what he does every day.



answers from Grand Rapids on

You could rent a hotel for a day, tell him to meet you there for his lunch hour, or after work if you have the kids taken care of and have a wonderful, sexy time together, I think you may be surprised at how relaxing and refreshing that can be for a man :-)

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