1800PetMeds accepted my vet's prescription when I sent it in the mail. My vet gave me a prescription and I mailed it to 1800PetMeds. What 1800PetMeds charges is about 1/2 of what my vet. wanted for the same medication.
P. S
I am about to buy some more Frontline (flea protection) and Heartguard (ringworm protection) for my 85-lb dog. Ouch! That stuff is SO expensive! Does anyone know of anything cheaper that REALLY WORKS?
I normally buy from PetMeds. My old vet didn't fax prescriptions to them, so I switched vets. It was a new vet in town and they had a new patient special. I decided to buy the meds at www.entirelypets.com, where they were $20 less. I did this because my parents will be staying at my house on our sleeper sofa in the living room over Thanksgiving, and I don't want the dog itching while they are trying to sleep. I will try Advantage and Sentinel for future orders. I also love the idea of spreading lyme in the yard. Lyme also neutralizes the dirt so that poison ivy cannot grow, so now I have double the reason to spread it in our woods. Thanks everyone for the great ideas.
1800PetMeds accepted my vet's prescription when I sent it in the mail. My vet gave me a prescription and I mailed it to 1800PetMeds. What 1800PetMeds charges is about 1/2 of what my vet. wanted for the same medication.
P. S
Iverhart is the generic brand of Heartguard and is cheaper. You vet should be able to give it to you and should match petmeds prices, too. I have not been able to find anything like Frontline, though, for my lab.
For heartworms you can buy Ivermectin and get your vet to give you the formula to mix it. This is inexpensive and is the active ingredient in Heartguard. you will also need propolyne Glycol. Forgive my spelling please. I don't know about fleas. Good luck! For the lady that needs something that will work on her dog, try Adams Flea Off. It kills ticks and fleas and smells good!
You might just want to research cheaper sources. My dog has been gone for a couple years now. But when we used to buy those prescriptions, I would mail order them from Lambriar Vet Supply (http://www.lambriarvet.com/ or call 800-344-6337). You just get the prescription from the vet and send or fax it to them. The service was good and it was cheaper than Pet Meds!
Just a thought!
I know there are cheaper things, but I also know when I tried - my dog started getting itchy and was constantly scratching herself. I also am a dog walker and sure enough the one dog I walk was itching like mad and it turned out her owners had tried something cheaper as well - I guess it is like they say - "you get what you pay for" - lol. I do know that I just bought a 6 month supply of either heartguard or frontline (can't remember which one this time) and they gave me a discount mail in rebate. I also know that pet meds is cheaper as well - I think the # is 1-800-petmeds. I was going to use them, but as usual when I was at the vet for my dogs updated shots - it was just easier to get the meds there. I believe petmeds sends out the order within a couple of days though. Anyway, I hope I helped you out!! Have a Wonderful Day!!!! ~C.
Hi A.,
We have two golden retrievers and a borer collie so i sympathize with the costs of flea and heartworm medicine. I have been using 1800 petmeds and their prices are cheaper plus they have a few generic choices that work just as well according to my vet. Try going to their website and look for yourself. Good Luck!
hi, i'm not sure if you are buying from the vet or not, but there are some good websites that sell pet supplies, and meds that are less expensive than the vet's office...petmeds.com is one...there's more...drs.FosterSmith.com is another...they call your vet for the rx, and then you can order online for it..check them out...
My grandmother lives in the woods in north Florida. She puts lime in her yard and her dog never gets fleas or ticks. Since i take my dogs to the dog park I am looking around for some new products also so thanks for the post.
Thanks J.
Go online to www.entirelypets.com they have the cheapest prices. And I bet if you mention this to your Vet he will match the price. That is what my Vet does. Good luck.
If you only want flea protection and are not worried about ticks then you can use something called Comfortis(I think I spelled that right). It's a pill that you give with food so you don't have to be concerned about when to bathe the dog. Works great on my two Golden Retrievers! I don't know anything to substitute the Heartguard though. Have you ordered from Petmeds? They are supposed to be cheaper but I haven't tried them yet. Probably the only drawback is you have to be good about reordering. Hope that helps!
I can't offer you much in the way of something cheaper but Frontline can be given 1 of 2 ways, monthly or every 3 months depending on what you are wanting from it. Monthly will give you flea and tick provention while every 3 months only will give you flea coverage. Thus you are only having to buy it 3 times a month. There is also a product called Advantage that does the same thing and can be used the same way. I'm not sure of the price difference between the two but I think Advantage is cheaper as that is what I use on my cats and my vet carries both.
Heartgaurd doesn't protect against ringworm. It only does Heartworm and that is it. There is a product called Inceptor that not only does heartwrom but a host of other worms and ringworm as well. Now mind you since it sounds like a more all in one product, it might be more expensive. Here is a link for more info on that http://www.interceptor.novartis.us/
You can also look into Petmeds and other online places that will fill a precription for these things to get them a bit cheaper. Just steer clear of any 'homemade' stuff or something out of another country!! Or call around to different vets in your area for prices on the meds. You don't have to buy it from your vet and if you tell them you found it cheaper someplace else in town, they might cut you a cheaper price!! And watch out for the OTC stuff from walmart like Hertz. I tried that once on my cats trying to save money and one of them got really sick and didn't eat for several days after she licked it off!! I've never had that problem with Frontline or Advantage!!
Good luck!
I will be watching to see if you get any responses that I have not tried! I have done the otc hartz things to biospot to rinsing the dogs in orange water--but I have not tried the diatomatious earth (you are supposed to put that in their food--diatoms I guess are the natural enemy--) And capstar's from Canada, nothing works for us. Just be glad that the frontline still works on your dog, I have one that it does not work for anymore...or Advantage. The poor dog just gets covered in them still!
Buying from Petmeds by mail is a lot cheaper and the same Frontline products that I would definitely recommend. The prices were almost half of what I paid at Petco. Went to Petsmart and they have changed what they sell. Good luck. The number and a coupon with more savings are in some magazines or I am sure you can find it on the internet.
Something else that I haven't seen mentioned is Revolution. It is a 2 in 1 solution that covers everything except for intestinal worms- but most online places will send you the intestinal worm medication for free when you order it. There have been some bad sideffects in some dogs however. Most vets don't recommend it because of this 2% chance and because they don't make as much off of it, but I never have had a problem with my 2 dogs. good luck.
You can try sentinel,it's a 2 in 1 product. It protects against heartworms and fleas. It is also a pill so you don't have to worry about washing it off like you would with frontline. It is also more affordable. i would talk to your vet about it.
I bought my frontline on ebay. I had to draw up the dose which was marked for me. It came in a vial. It was 1/3 of the price.
I have yet to find anything else that works as good. You can purchase these now at regular pet stores now though, rather than at the vet. I have found it at Super Pets for about $15 cheaper.
check petmeds.com
most vets will match the price.
My vet switched us to Sentinel. It covers the heartworm, and the fleas and ticks. It is also expensive, but it is cheaper than Frontline, and Heartguard combined. I pay $45 for 3 months worth (3 pills) for the largest size (51 lbs.+). I know that you can get it through 1800petmeds.com, but you have to be able to get your vet to send them the prescription. My vet will not send it to them so I am stuck going through the vets office for the medicine, but other procedures are much cheaper at my vet so it is worth it.