I had several early miscarriages and I know it is a personal decision, but I got frustrated with all the intervention from the docs that resulted in nothing (and quite frankly I knew there was nothing they could do about it), so I chose to handle it at home.
If you go to the doc, what I would imagine they will order is 2 blood level pregancy tests. Basically, if the 2nd one has higher levels than the 1st, then the pregnancy is progressing and if not, then there has been a miscarriage. This means a trip to a hospital or lab several days apart.
If you chose to wait it out at home, I would try a preg test in a few more days. Use the same brand/style. If the line appears faster, then you know your levels are increasing and it is a good sign, you are still pregnant. If the line takes the same amount of time to appear, try 2 days later and compare. At this early stage, your levels are doubling daily and so the line will either get stronger/faster (preg) or disappear (miscarriage).
PS- I only say this because you are still so early. If you were farther along where a D&C might be needed, I would say make sure to go tot he doc, but at this point, I don't think that would be necessary.
I really wish you the best and will pray for you!!! After going through this several times myself, I finally became pregant, so don't be discouraged.