I worked in the meat industry for two years doing PR and wouldn't eat it. Basically, it's like you left meat on the counter for four hours. Not safe.
This morning I put a roast in the slow cooker and then we headed out the door. We came back 3 hours later and the slow cooker was cold. I checked it to make sure it was programmed correctly this morning, so I knew something was up. I then put it on a different setting for 30 minutes (from low to high) to see if anything would happen. Nothing did. Worried about not having any dinner, I put it all in the oven.
Question, however, will the meat be safe to eat? Since it is cooked on low, the internal temperature won't get up really high. The meat was just sitting there for a good 4 hours. I don't want to poison my family (II'm a vegetarian, so I won't be eating it). I've had it on 250 for a bunch of hours now, and the meat is still far from cooked, so I may increase the temp to 300.
Also, the meat was set to expire tomorrow, so it wasn't the "freshest."
Urg... I just got this slow cooker this past summer! It's new! I just used it last week!
I'm just going to throw it out. Pisses me off because I was only making the roast to take the juices to make a nice beefy sauce to make shepherd's pie! I have a bunch of left over lamb that needs to be used. Oh well. A great plan turned bad. Looks like take out tacos tonight!
I worked in the meat industry for two years doing PR and wouldn't eat it. Basically, it's like you left meat on the counter for four hours. Not safe.
I don't know about the meat, but regarding the slow cooker, are you sure it's not the outlet? Kitchen outlets are usually GFIs and it may be that the circuit just popped. Check the reset on it and try plugging the cooker in to a different outlet...you may find it's fine.
yup not worth the risk. toss it!
No you cannot eat/serve that meat!!! Throw it away!
I know it is really frustrating to waste meat like that, but it just isn't worth the risk...
That has happened to me, also.. I turned the crock pot on, but it didn't quite turn to the correct position, apparently... came back after several hours, and it was all stone cold! I threw it out.....