We always trained the kids to sleep on their own as infants to avoid hard habits to break. But now, at ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2, they share a room, and it's more about having fun with me for as long as they can..one more story...a song...stories from when I was little...maybe an attempt at "I'm lonely" or "I'm scared, please stay in my bed for just a minute....." You know the drill!
Since they don't control me and aren't allowed tantrums or anything, I just decide how much to do on any given night, and when it's time for me to go, I just put my foot down, and cheerfully walk out after a bunch of "I love you, cant' wait to see you int he morning"s while waving and shutting the door. They are disappointed for a second (whether we played for 2 hours, or they went straight to bed) but that's it.
Some nights I'm in the mood to spend 2 hours reading and singing and then chatting and playing before walking out. Some nights I warn them in advance it's too late for books (even if it isn't) and that they have to go right to sleep. Either way, they're never asleep when I leave the room and they know not to get out of bed or throw fits. They're allowed to chat or whatever, but no getting out of bed. It takes discipline at first, but you do need to control when your kids go to bed, so be firm!
At 5 and three it will take a while for them to realize you are consistent and serious, but they will learn to respect the rule.
I also recommend taking charge of the "routine" and sort of making it not such a routine...if you do exactly the same thing every night, they feel entitled to it, and on nights when you don't have time for it, it will be a bigger let down. Get control so they know YOU always decided what bed time will be like that night. Make the long nights more of a treat once or twice a week, and the shorter bedtimes the norm.
A warning in advance really helps. Tell them, "OK, tonight, you're getting ONE book, and you can play for 10 more minutes before bed. OR, you can go to bed right now and have 2-3 books." Mine always react really well to just this.
You can add: "After your books, no fits or (fill in the consequence) will happen." Then follow through, and don't back down. If they act wrongly, treat it like a discipline scenario at any other time.
This has saved me from total exhaustion since my husband travels all the time and we have 3 under 4. Some nights I HAVE to put them to bed quickly and get some sleep or some alone time in, and I'm SOOOO thankful for it. You can do it!