Sleeping at Night (ME)

Updated on June 16, 2009
D.S. asks from Center Moriches, NY
3 answers

I'm 55 and I have been having a very hard time going to sleep at night.
I am tired when I go to bed but once my head hits the pillow my brain kicks in to gear. I can't get comfortable and I can't turn my mind off. I toss and turn and get frustrated and aggravated almost like an anxiety but it's not anxiety. I was taking ambien but my Dr doesn't want me to take that. She said try to go to bed by midnight (I am an night owl and usually stay up to 2am give or take) and get up by 8:00 am but when I go to bed at midnight and don't sleep until several hours later as well as continually waking up all night getting up at 8:00 am is very hard to do. Any suggestions? Thanks...I'd appreciate it. D.

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answers from New York on

Melatonin. It's a hormone that your body releases to help you sleep. You can buy it as a supplement and take it about 30 mins before you want to go to bed. Plus you don't have any of the crazy side effects that ambion does. Also, read a book. I find that if I read a book before bed it helps to shut my brain off. I have the same problem as you. I crawl in bed and think about what I have to do tomorrow and what I did during the day and it never stops. Watching tv keeps me up, so I read. It's quite, and it helps me shut out the world, even if it's 15 mins. Crawl in bed with a good book, it could help.

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answers from New York on

I have to watch tv to fall asleep at night. I am going to be fifty and my hormones are all over the place so I have no problem falling asleep I just don't stay asleep. One thing I do is take a note pad to bed and jot down things I need to do the next day. This way you can shut your mind off and get some restful sleep. My mother in law used to put earphones on and listen to music that was what soothed her. Good luck i know how you feel sleep deprivation is tough

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answers from New York on

Hey Deb,

I would say your mind is working overtime.

Try Waking up at 730 instead of 8am.

And going to bed at 11pm

Do not drink tea. or coffee, or soda.

Nothing to eat after 8pm

As this can actually keep you awake.

When you get ready for bed make sure the sheets are fresh, and PJ's are fresh, the smell helps you relax.

Jump in the shower and wash off. the heat helps you relax.

slip under the covers and turn the tv on and keep the volume on low.

Watch something Dark such as CSI las vegas.
Or I'm a celebrity get me out of here.
True blood.
Or something like them because the shows are usually in the dark, or about the night.

Keeping the volume low makes it more work to hear.
and easier to fall asleep.

Don't watch anything funny, or interesting because then you'll wanna stay awake.

We're looking for things to relax your brain and keep you mind occupied.

All the windows shut, and drapes pulled so your sleeping in darkness. and quiet.

When you wake up, get up right away,
take another fresh shower, and get ready to start the day.

get right into your activities, and keep your self busy,
be more active, volunteer if you have nothing to do during the week.

On the other hand if your too busy and have too many things weighing your mind down then you need to just take a step back and slow down a bit.

Good luck D.,

Hope it helps


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