Skip the morning nap. My kids both outgrew it by 9 months. Give him a good afternoon one. Be sure he eats to full capacity all day and gets a lot of exercise (climbing, trying to stand etc) and put him to bed at night after his routine- NOT NEGOTIABLE! Walk away. Don't teach him if he screams long enough you'll come back and do something for him. (If you're going to give in, do it right away, because he'll just learn to cry longer if you hold out.) Don't give in! He's figuring out how to manipulate by crying at bed time, if you show him now that he always goes to sleep and no one comes back in to do anything for him, he'll get used to it quickly. You're in charge! My son (19 months) still occasionally cries at bedtime for 2 or 3 minutes, but it NEVER escalates unless he's hungry or sick because he's never gotten anything out it. Sometimes he just needs to sooth himself. Usually he doesn't cry at all. Stick to your guns!