You cannot make a infant do much of anything! Sorry.
At night, you will be lucky if he sleeps through the night before his first birthday. Him going 5 hours is great! Mine neither slept through the night until around 10 months of age.
I would put a bassinett in my living room so they would sleep with noise around. But laid them down after them eating, changing, snuggling and playing. Both of mine went back to sleep pretty soon after eating, I would say four naps a day was very easy for them as infants then it worked into two naps a day until they were 14 mos.
I just laid them down and they slept after a good burp and some snuggling.
I wouldn't feed him every hour, even if he seems hungry, I would walk with him, see if there is something else going on and try to keep him distracted for a little longer each time. He could also just need the extra nutrition, I would call your Dr. as he will know best.
At his age, he knows what he wants and it is kind of about that right now. I didn't do crying it out ever rarely and waited until after 6 mos. All I can say is don't jump to feed him necessarily if he just ate 60 minutes ago, maybe just try preoccupying him and help him go longer.
He could have reflux which is worse laying down and the eating soothes him, he could be a tad colicky, make sure he burps well and maybe even try mylicon before feedings. For reflux I suggest you see your Pediatrician about his lack of sleeping. At his age about 16 hours of sleep or more is very typical and necessary for his growth. If it is colic you just have ride that out!