Hi A.,
My DD has been a terrible sleeper from day one. Are you a SAHM? If yes, first thing that will help is to nap during the day when he does. Even if it's for half an hour it will help recharge your batteries! You can probably list the million and one things you need/want to get done while he sleeps but it can wait.
We did the cry it out method for a few weeks and our DD is so stubborn (even at 3 months) that she would keep crying past the point where I was in tears. Our pediatrician suggest putting a second monitor in our room so that the baby could hear us when she woke. Also I put a small fan in the corner of her room and the sound was soothing and helped her drift off. She had severe acid reflux and her ped suggested plain baby oatmeal right before bed so that her tummy was full with something soothing. That seemed to help.
Good luck! This will pass!! Our first Halloween I didn't have to dress up, I already felt and looked like a zombie : > It will pass!! Our DD is now sleeping through the night unless she's sick. Hang in there!!