I took my daughter off her bottle before she was ready to give it up and she sucked her fingers almost her entire childhood. Her jaw is recessed and her profile is horrible. Her chin is nearly non existent. All because I thought everyone else knew better than I did and said she needed to be off it. She also fell and hurt a tooth.
My grandson that is 5 took his bottle until he was close to 2 1/2. He brought it to me one day after nap time and just handed it to me and said he wanted a tippy cup. I said okay and that was that.
We have weak enamel and therefore he had some cavities. The pediatric dentist said much of our tooth issues is genetic and whether they stay on the bottle or not has little to do with cavities or no cavities.
I think if your little on needs to suck on something that a bottle or a binky is the best option. Otherwise they may find a finger or thumb to soothe themselves.
As for food and other stuff I think that you are considering are okay for toddlers that are 12 months to 24 months. There are many different snacks out there that melt in their mouths almost instantly and are not choke hazards.
Lots of foods are choke hazards though. Do not give the little one Peanut butter yet unless it is very very very very thin, like see through thin. This will help it to not gum up in their mouth and choke them.
Raisins, marshmallows, grapes, nuts, etc...are all foods that should not be given to toddlers. It you do any food it should be in pieces less than 1/4 of an inch. This will help keep them from choking on it.
I think you might do better to google choke hazard foods for babies. This will give you good lists to go by that are well researched.