I was told by my ped that infants don't even have the typical idea of sinuses, that they don't develop for a couple of years!
My daughter has a sinus infection and is 4 months old. It wasn't detected by the Dr looking in her nose but by an x ray. She has had no congestion or mucus coming out of her nose but you can hear it in the back of her nose/throat area. The ped said infants typically don't get sinus infections and it could be related to acid reflux. Has anyone else experienced this same thing? Also that babies this young don't usually have allergies.
I was told by my ped that infants don't even have the typical idea of sinuses, that they don't develop for a couple of years!
Crazy drs! Of course infants have allergies! This is when they start with ear, sinus, lung and skin infections! Check out a NAET provider on NAET.com and get her cleared of all food and environmental allergies/blockages for the rest of her life.
Who said this young don't have allergies- that really depends on what dhe is eating- what is she eating? Hopefully you are nursing- if so then look at what you are eating. Heaven forbid you have her on formula then that is probably the problem- those manufactured fake food that is sold to feed our babies is such junk- run to Weston Price Foundation and find ways to feed real food. Well done on making your own observations.
best, k
I was told that infants don't have sinuses to get infections in. I would have her rechecked and make sure its not something else...usually babies get ear infections which look like adult sinus infections (green boogers, post nasal drip and so on).
I would get a second opinion because babies definitely can develop allergies at that age!
We thought my daughter had a sinus infection at 6 months, but it turned out to be a strep infection in the nose. The pediatrician said this is VERY common in infants. Maybe ask the doc if this is ruled out as the problem.
Not sure about the sinus infections, but allergies are present early. My son tested positive for pollen at 9 weeks.
My daughter had her first sinus infection at 6 months. Is your daughter in daycare? Or around other young ones frequently?
Children that age can have allergies. I have a friend who found out her daughter is allergic to wheat, eggs, and peanuts all before the baby even started solid food. They noticed baby's reaction to the food through her mama's milk. I don't know who told you that young babies don't have allergies. My daughter had a carrot allergy at 7 months, but has already grown out of it at 13 months.
It could be related to acid reflux, does your child spit up a lot? It might also be the formula your child is on, if on formula, my ped. had me try a few different brands before diagnosing my daughter with asthma and acid reflux.
We have been trying different medications and it seems as though her breathing is finally under control. She is on previcid for the reflux. It's a once a day pill that we crack into applesauce. Then she was on a nebulizer twice a day but that wasn't working so we just switch to an inhaler which is a little more expensive but she takes it so much easier and it seems to be working much better for her.
Don't stop asking questions until you are satisfied with the answer that you get. We hate having my daugher on all these medications but it makes her life easier and obviously her being able to breathe is priority one!
Even though your pediatrician stated that infants typically don't get sinus infections...my son did all the time. He still gets them and we usually have to end up with a round or two of antibiotics to get rid of it. Sometimes if we don't catch it in time, he will get an ear infection. I hope your daughter is getting treatment for her sinus infection.
And it's true that the throaty/phlegmy sound can be acid reflux and/or asthma related. My son had that sound too and I had to learn to differentiate between the two. Good luck.