Single Mom Wanting to Put Her Son's Name on a Christmas Wish List

Updated on November 16, 2008
L.B. asks from Carlsbad, CA
6 answers

I am looking for any programs/organizations in the North County that help out financially struggling families provide Christmas presents for their kids.

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answers from San Diego on

Call North County Interfaith Council and tell Meghan you want to be on a wish list. She will help you. I have been helping families like yours for a long time and that is our family's Christmas cheer we bring to less fortunate families. She is our contact and if you can't get on her "wish list", write back to me and I have a business that might be able to sponsor you and your son. What kind of things does he like? Thomas the train, Hotwheels, let me know.



answers from San Diego on

I think I heard that Carlsbad Community Church in the village does a gift giving event. At 3 they really don't completely get it yet. We still give our kids second-hand clothes if they need them, or even a toy from the local thrift store (better for the environment too!). Enjoy each other at Christmas - you are obviously doing a great job, and he wants a happy mama who wants to hang out with him more than anything else. Very best wishes.



answers from San Diego on

Hi L.,

The Community Resource Center on 2nd St. in Encinitas does a Christmas shopping thing at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in late December for families in need. You get to go in and choose the toys and/or clothes that you need for your child. They have a wonderful variety from which to choose. The Center is also a terrific resource for parents who need help with getting their lives back on track--housing, food, job placement, counseling, etc. They run a domestic violence shelter also.

Their website is: and their number is ###-###-####.

If you belong to a church or live near one you should be able to participate in their giving programs. I would call a local church. Our church always has opportunities for their members to buy gifts for local kids for Christmas. There are also food programs that you might be eligible for as well, if that is something that you need.

I will be praying for you, L.. Congratulations on how far you've come! Remember the best gift you can give your child is your love, your attention, and a good example. :-) I mean that. Also--kids enjoy the excitement of Christmas vs. the amount of gifts. Less can indeed be more. My own son wasn't even interested in gifts until he turned four, and really he is satisfied quickly. The cost of the gift does not matter to him. I've noticed that a dollar gift from the Target bin has been enjoyed just as much as more expensive ones. It's parents who get caught up in the cost or amount of gifts. After all, the meaning of Christmas is about love. Last year, when my son was three, his favorite gift was a new tennis ball that the dog got from Santa. He threw it for the dog all morning long, totally forgetting about his own gifts.

:-) D.



answers from San Diego on

Maybe Salvation Army or a local church near your home. Best of luck to you.



answers from San Diego on

I know of a program that my sister used last uear I will get them name of it and respond again. Basically you give them $5 or wjhatever you have a nd they give you presents for your son. My sister gave them about $50 and they gave her enough presents for 9 kids. I will ask her today



answers from San Diego on

Any gifts from the .99cent store would have made my 3-year old quite happy at the time. Like you said, they don't know much about money yet --thank God! You sound quite articulate in your writing. Ali

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