M.---It looks like there are few options. I found some interesting advice at the Dr. Sears website, http://www.askdrsears.com/thevaccinebook/2009/10/separate.... I know that either Dr. Bob or Dr. Jim wrote a book about vaccines. Haven't read it but I know that they do recommend an alternative schedule.
BTW...I have to throw this in here as it seems that the vaccine/autism controversy has simply taken another disturbing trend. Wakefield never said that vaccines caused autism. What he did note was an association between vaccines and problems with the gut and that autistic children tend to have intestinal issues. Here are a few excerpts from an article written by a Naturopath who has her PhD in Nutrition:
"The study that caused all the fuss was a case series involving 12 children that was organized for the purpose of documenting reports from their parents. The Ethics Practices Committee of the Royal Free Hospital NHS approved Wakefield's study before it started. The study was subsequently published in the Lancet. I have read the article and it does not state that autism is caused by the MMR vaccine. It reported that changes in intestinal health and behavior followed the MMR vaccine in some cases, suggested that environmental triggers might be responsible for autism, and suggested that further research was required.
Wakefield feels that there are many children who cannot tolerate vaccines and that giving multiple vaccines at the same time and administering vaccines to children who are ill places them at significantly higher risk. He says that children with a family history of autism, autoimmune diseases, or bowel diseases are poor candidates for vaccination."
So, I applaud you in your search to do the best thing for your son. I would be happy to forward this entire article to anyone who cares to read it. Just email me at ____@____.com luck...D.
Edit: I should amend my statement that Dr. Sears 'recommends' an alternative vaccine schedule. I should say that he OFFERS an alternative schedule.