We havent had them in a few years.... as long as we have had our cats :)
Ok, I am a bug freak!! I hate them....should I freak out about spotting a few random silverfish around my house? I saw one in the dinning room a while back, one in the bathroom a few weeks ago, one in my bedroom last week and now one in my daughter's room...does anyone know how to get rid of them? should I be freaking out like there is an infestation or something? Is it just spring? What do you think????
We havent had them in a few years.... as long as we have had our cats :)
ours are always in the bathroom. i don't think a few is an infestation. I see maybe six in a month, usually when kids leave wet towels and clothes on the floor. I used Raid along the baseboards and didn't see any for several months.
OMG, I hate those things too! We get a few of them every now and then, not a lot. They like damp areas, so just try and make sure to spray some bug repellent in really damp areas of the house. Gross, I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about them!
They are disgusting!!! I didn't grow up in IL and never saw these nasty things before I moved to Chicago. UGH I am totally feeling creepy crawly now. I don't really think there's much you can do...other than to get a cat. Fortunately I have 2 cats and any silverfish I see are usually already dead. Ewww!!!
You could get infested with them. They are most common in the bathroom then bedroom, mostly closet. I read a whole lot about them, because I was noticing them all the time at night in the bathroom. They are nocturnal and can live off of just 1 feeding for a year! They thrive off of dandruff or any scalp particles from hair that falls on the floor. They will also eat holes in your clothes. There is a poison at Lowes/Home Depot for them. I just vacuumed and keep the bathroom floor clean daily. I havent noticed anymore since.
You could get infested with them. They are most common in the bathroom then bedroom, mostly closet. I read a whole lot about them, because I was noticing them all the time at night in the bathroom. They are nocturnal and can live off of just 1 feeding for a year! They thrive off of dandruff or any scalp particles from hair that falls on the floor. They will also eat holes in your clothes. There is a poison at Lowes/Home Depot for them. I just vacuumed and keep the bathroom floor clean daily. I havent noticed anymore since.
You could get infested with them. They are most common in the bathroom then bedroom, mostly closet. I read a whole lot about them, because I was noticing them all the time at night in the bathroom. They are nocturnal and can live off of just 1 feeding for a year! They thrive off of dandruff or any scalp particles from hair that falls on the floor. They will also eat holes in your clothes. There is a poison at Lowes/Home Depot for them. I just vacuumed and keep the bathroom floor clean daily. I havent noticed anymore since.
We had these years ago! My husband thought they were cockroaches and thought it was my house cleaning. i called my mom just bawling that my husband thought we had cockroaches. My mom asked me to describe them..when i did she started laughing and told me what they were. She told me they love old paper. Well my MIL recycled paper but not very often! There were three huge columns in the garage! Once we got rid of them..the bugs slowly disappeared. So check around for any of that kind of stuff. By the way my husband got an EAR full when he came home. I told him he could go yell at his mother and tell her she was a terrible housekeeper...LOL! Good luck!
Ugh I hate these bugs and had never seen them before we built our house. I asked the bug man that comes to my work what to do to get rid of them and he told me that if I wanted to get rid of them to burn my house and start over...lol. We dont see them often but when we do we suck them up with the vacuum, we do not want to use a pesticide in the house, so we just deal with them.