just keep pushing her legs around you... she should finally get the idea.. good luck
When I've carried toddlers, they seem to know to tighten their legs around my waist. When my daughter was younger, I carried our neighbor's daughter who was around 15 months and she tightened her legs and it was so much easier! Now my daughter is 14 months and I've been waiting for her to learn; trying to communicate to her how to do it. But she just sits there and if I didn't hold her, she'd slide down. She's reached all physical milestones. Crawled at 10 months, walked at 13 months. Should I be doing something or do they just get it or do some never do it?
just keep pushing her legs around you... she should finally get the idea.. good luck
Sounds like she has developed the muscles in her legs to be able to do so, keep working with her to make sure. Maybe if you kid of let her slide a little and explain to hold on with her legs and her arms.. perhaps she is just very independent and really doesn't want to be carried around. I would mention it to her Dr at her next visit just to be safe.
thats so funny, i used to wonder what was going on with my son, he did the same thing. my 1st 2 kids always seemed to hang on, i never thought about it. then my 3rd would just kind of hang there like a bag of rocks. when i was coming in the house carrying him and bags and stuff, he ended up under my arm like a football! and of course he was/is the biggest! man, what a load!! i never worried about it because he was climbing like a monkey so early, way before the other 2 ever did, months before he was even walking. i dont know at what point it changed, i didnt think about it till just now reading this, realized he doesnt do it any more. he is 21 mos and hasnt done it for a while, dont know how long. though he still will do it sometimes. if she is fine otherwise, i wouldnt worry. and if you are worried, mention it to the doc.
many times kids will learn out of necessity... so while it sounds cruel and unusual :) let her slide down a bit every time until you're supporting her just with your arms and her bottom half is hanging. she'll soon learn how to climb up with her legs and hold on so she doesn't slip