You should establish pay rules as soon as possible. I do not pay for any time off until someone has worked for me at least one year. Most part time jobs (less than 30 hours a week) do not provide any kind of sick pay, but all is negotiable up front. I often give my nannies a chance to make up their time so that they can pay their bills, and that's a nice option. But then I can use all the help I can get at just about any time, and you may not have need for a nanny other than your normal schedule. I think that since you have never discussed it, you can assume that your understanding was an hourly pay for actual work. If she asks for sick pay, then you and she will need to renegotiate her hourly pay, because you set that pay assuming it would only be for work hours. You really do not want to have to frequently renegotiate pay; that will set you up for trouble. A written contract is a good idea.