Hi, my family is just getting over this. It seems that there is a bacterial type of diaherra around. It starts with vomiting, then diaherra, then upset and cramping stomach ache for adults. Kids will vary, you may see a cold like symptom or the same symptoms as the adult. Anyway, what I did to treat it was a clear liquid diet. Jello is OK (sugar free even better) Chicken noodle soup and crackers or broth. Since your son may also be teething, the crackers would work because they will break apart, so he won't choke. If he is still on the bottle, he may go for lukewarm chicken broth only in that. Don't give anything the stomach has to work for to digest....It worked with me and my family. It lasted a little over a week. Hope this helps. My kids hate pedialyte, so I used Gatorade or Powerade or flavored water. THe thing to keep in mind is to keep them hydrated. Sometimes it's more about what your son wants than what you think he should drink. Sprite or Gingerale is good too or popsicles (A little less good for the body, but if that is all they will eat for the moment, it will at least help them stay hydrated. The Sprite adn Gingerale help stop the crampy rumbling part of the diaherra.)