Pro biotics, Probiotics, probiotics.
I don't know why doctor's offices forget this so often these days,
The stomach virus that is going around this season is a KILLER, and even though the babies start to feel better, the runny stools will last until you replenish the GOOD bacteria in their intestines. Our adult bodies are able to do that on their own, but baby and toddler bodies need a little help.
Even if you just give her some probiotic yogurt(make sure it says 'live' or 'active' cultures) or sprinkle a little powdered probiotics into her formula.
When my son had this virus, he couldn't keep down more than 4 ounces of anything for about a week, and the runny stools lasted almost two weeks. I did everything the Ped's said(including BRATS diet), and it wasn't until I remember probiotics on my own, and gave them to him, that he finally was able to drink his formula again and have normal stools.