Should I Go to the Hospital If My Tonsils Are Swollen and Coughing?

Updated on March 21, 2010
A.F. asks from APO, AP
13 answers

I will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and have come down with something. As far as I know I don't have a temperature but I can feel what ever it is in my chest and when I cough. My throat is also swollen and I have no appetite at all. Just wondering what any first time moms did when they were sick while pregnant. Thanks, any info will be nice.


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So What Happened?

thanks to all you moms for giving me good advice. I didn't plan on going to the ER because all they do with me is send me to labor and delivery. I know it's a cold because I can taste it when I cough and my mucus is a slight green color. Ever since I was a kid that's how I knew I had a cold. Right now I am taking tylenol, drinking green tea, and sucking on cough drops. I am sure this will all pass soon. If my symptoms get any worse I will call my doctor and make an appointment. I can't go to an urgent care doctor seeing as I don't have any near me right now, plus I am a military spouse and not sure if they will take my insurance. But thanks for all your help everyone. :)

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answers from Greensboro on

Hi A.,

A gargle solution of melaleuca alternafolia oil (one drop) in a half cup of warm water will do wonders with the swelling and the pain. It will attack anything that is bacterial, viral, or fungal. The green tells me it's bacterial. Melaleuca oil is safe (not real tasty but who cares if it works, right?) and will speed the healing process.

Hope I helped!


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answers from Milwaukee on

Go to a family practitioner, I had strep throat when I was 1 month pregnant and when to a family doctor. How about urgent care, this does not seem like something to go to the hospital for but urgent care or the family practitioner. Or at the very least go to your OBgyn but they are going to point you to the urgent care or family practitioner.



answers from New York on

NO. Do not go to the emergency room.

Give your ob/gyn a call.


answers from Philadelphia on

Hi A.,
In my opinion I don't think a sore/swollen throat and a cough necessitates a trip to the hospital! Hospitals are for emergencies and major health issues. If your really concerned call your family practitioner or OBGYN and ask them to see you.
Personally, I would just let it run its course. It's probably a cold or virus. Just make sure that you drink pleanty of liquid. Hot decaffinated tea will help with the pain in your throat. If you don't drink enough you could go into labor due to dehydration. Then when you get to the hospital they will give you an IV and if your labor stops they will send you home, (or at least that's what they do here in PA.)
I hope you feel better soon, I remember being sick during the end of one of my pregnancies and it was no cake walk.


answers from Raleigh on

You really need to go to the doctor to make sure this infection doesn't affect the baby. If a temperature becomes too high or infection becomes too bad, it can put the baby in danger. I've been through 2 high risk pregnancies so trust me when I say it is better to be safe than sorry.

Also, considering that you are already 37 weeks, even if your doctors believe delivery now is necessary, your baby will be safe and his/her lungs should be fully developed.

Tonsils and adenoid infections are not something to play around with. With your health in danger, you can literally be putting your child's life in danger. It's better for you both to be checked out thoroughly and by a specialist (ob/gyn and/or - most recommended... a specialist who has a history in high risk pregnancies where a mother is sick during pregnancy) to ensure your life and the baby's life and both your futures are safe and secure. This is NOT the time to be taking the low road with regards to health. It's not just your health you are putting on the line now. It's yours and that bundle you are carrying inside you.

Just my opinion from 24 years of experience....



answers from Savannah on

I agree with Tawnya. Otherwise, do you have an urgent care place nearby? If you feel you need to see a doctor today I would go that route other than going to the hospital. I hope you feel better soon!!! Being sick is awful...especially when you're pregnant.


answers from Norfolk on

If your tonsils are so swollen they are blown up like huge fleshy marbles that block the back of your mouth, then an ENT would be the doctor to see. A visit to the hospital might expose you to more germs than you need right now. For a sore throat, I use a netti pot to rinse my nose with warm saline solution (2 cups water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda). You can repeat as often as you like. I also get one of those air activated heat packs for the neck and hold it on my throat with a headband. The heat feels very good. For your chest, a heating pad keeping your chest warm will help. Keep your fluids up (tea, chicken broth, ginger ale) so the phlem is loose enough for you to cough up. Appetite often falls off in the last month. I wouldn't worry about it.



answers from New York on

You do not had to go to the hospital. It sounds like an upper respiratory infection. Aka cold. You will likely start getting a stuffed nose, runny nose soon. Only use tylenol for pain, do not use any other over the, counter pain meds. Do not use any decongestants or nasal sprays other than saline spray. Most over the counter pain and cold meds can be harmful to your baby/pregnancy. Drink lots of fluids. Force yourself to eat even if you don't feel like it. Your baby needs food. If you need some other suggestions, call your OB. If you start to have difficulty breathing, you should go to the hospital.


answers from Clarksville on

Hi A.,

I know you've already responded but I want to add that you should rest, stay hydrated, take a vitamin C supplement and probiotics to help your body fight what's going on. Do you know of a chiropractor in your area that sees pregnant women? Chiropractic adjustments can help to clear out any interference and help your body to heal itself. Also, the adjustments are okay while pregnant as they can help your baby get into the optimal position for birth.

Feel better soon,



answers from Denver on

Hi A. -Give your OB a call and see your primary care doc or since it is Saturday, go visit an urgent care clinic. This isnt an emergency room situation. You probably just have a throat infection and need an antibiotic. They will be able to diagnose and prescribe medications that are safe for you to take at your stage in pregnancy.



answers from Memphis on

You don't need to go to the hospital but you may want to call or see your primary care dr. if it isn't better in a couple of days. As long as you don't have a temperature, I don't think there is anything to worry about just rest and drink plenty of fluids. I have had a least one terrible sinus infection that required antibiotics with each of my pregnancies . My dr. checked with my ob to make sure she gave me something that was ok to take while pregnant.


answers from Fayetteville on

Please go and get check out. Just for your safety and the baby. It will not hurt if they say it's nothing. It's best to be safe.

Be encourage.



answers from Louisville on

call your doctor in the morning

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