Hi M.. I am an interior designer and I know this won't help you, but we re-carpeted our basement (with a boring berber) in our last house (had to due to a flood) which was 2 rooms about that size (one probably smaller) (we left the hall carpet cause it wasn't damaged). it was cheaper (and faster) for us to go through empire then me using my "trade/ cost" resources--and it was $1400! so honestly, I think that's a good price. does that include pad and install? try empire and home depot to compare prices. I think the estimates are free and they come to your home and bring samples. you can also pay by credit card--which was helpful for us at the time.
were you prego when you lost #2? I am so sorry to hear that. best of luck to you. we are thinking of trying for #2, but it's a long process cause we have to do ivf. we're most likely doing a frozen cycle this fall, and if it doesn't work, my son will most likely be an only. I am ambivilant. hoping for a healthy baby, but trying not to get my hopes up too much if it doesn't work.
good luck with the carpet. C.