Hi S.
Advice from a physical therapist.
Here are a couple of tips for you:
1. Make sure you have good shoes. If they are more than 6 months old they probably do not have enough padding and support anymore. New Balance, Big River Running, and Fleet feet are great stores at fitting you for proper footwear in all price ranges. I highly recommend getting fitted.
2. Try rubbing some type of topical analgesic on your shins (Biofreeze, ibunex) to help with the inflammation.
3. For the next few weeks try to take it easy on your walking routine. Try slowing your pace and avoiding walking on uneven surfaces. If you can throw in a water walking day or 2 that would help take the stress off the joints.
If none of this helps over the next few weeks I would suggest getting a prescription form your MD for physical therapy. A physical therapist would be able to look for deviations in your walking pattern that may contribute to your hip pain and shin splints.