Hi C.:
I happen to disagree with most here. I (DON'T) think your being unfair.I speak from experience,as I was a divorced mother of two sons.Your children,and their well being come first.I'm sure,when he left you and the children,he also was aware of that. Your children need stability,and a sense of normalcy. You need to provide A routine,as close as to what they're accustom.They need ONE ,GOOD stable place,they can call home. A place,they feel loved and safe.I never have believed,that separating two siblings,for any length of time,healthy,and I would imagine,at six years old,that your daughter attends school now. Would your husband,or his girlfriend be taking her to school on those days he had her? That alone,could become a real problem.What about those days,that she is ill? When she wants her mom to cuddle her? You really think,that (dads girlfriend) will suffice? I don't.You know C...The way I look at it is this. It's not as though,none of this crossed his mine,when he took his path.He knew when he left,that life would change.Things would be different.He knew,that he would be spending less time with his daughter. Now he's decided,that he should have it all? There is no court in the world,that would give 50% custody to a father,that has only two days a week to donate to his child. Not a one! There is a reason for that.Because the courts look out for the best interest of the child.In the courts eyes,The parent,who has the time,to raise them, gets custody. I have seen the result of children,that were split 50/50 and half the time,they didn't know if they were coming or going. I believe its important,that your daughter spend time with her father,but I don't believe,that you,her or her sibling,should have to sacrifice,your otherwise stable,happy relationship,in order to (appease him) Children and fathers,can have a good relationship Every other weekend. Your bending for him,by allowing him time with her during the week.I'd say your being more than fair.As far as his girlfriend goes. Your right to be skeptical.You don't know her.You want to know your daughter is safe in her care.There's all sorts of nuts out there,and you have good reason to question her capabilities and competence.I wouldn't quiz your daughter,after visits,because,she will feel she has to choose...between you and dads girlfriend. You don't want her to feel that way. No pressure. But you will be able to tell,if shes being treated right,as I'm sure her attitude about going to dads would change.The best of luck to you,and your darlin children.