Can you take her pack n play with you along with her usual bedding. I suggest that having the familiarity of those things will help her go to sleep. Keep the bedtime routine as much the same as possible.
How long will you be on vacation? Why is it you don't want her to see you. You can drape a blanket over her pack n play but she'll still be able to hear you. Without knowing why I can't really tell you how to achieve the no seeing.
Put her down to sleep before you go to bed. If you're not in the room when she's going to sleep or you're just sitting quietly and not interacting with each other or her she'll get the idea and go to sleep. I suggest that not being able to see you but if she can still hear you she'll still want to play.
A lightweight blanket over the pack n play will work as well as a tent. I suggest it'll be better because she'll think a tent is something new to play with.
When I was a girl and we stayed with my aunt and uncle my 3 yo brother slept in the laundry room.