Hi E.,
I agree with everything said so far. The one thing that I didn't see written is that Restless Leg Syndrome did not become a disease until it started existing. This is a new thing because the abundance of synthetic chemicals in the home is a new thing. Most in the natural community believe it is completely chemically induced. Pharmaceutical drugs is the primary culprit but it could just be an overexposure to chemicals anywhere. You don't have to work in a carpet mill or a metal foundry. If you keep your house clean with the chemicals from the grocery store it can create this condition. Chemicals outgas and most are neurological toxins. Use several of these and they are a toxic cocktail. Even bath and body products do this. Some brands of makeup...you following me?
My first advise is to look around your house and see what you are using. The chemicals are outgassing so they ARE in combination whether you think they are or not. Just because it isn't happening to your husband and everyone else also doesn't tell you that that is not the problem. Everybody reacts differently to this stuff because we all have different combinations in us. Go to my website go2harmony.healthyhometour.com and look around. If you have any questions get back to me here or ask on my website. It's amazing what our commerce has done to our health.....
Whether it is Restless Leg or a seizure, detoxing will help. It's an easy process and it will do a lot to improve your health. If you're still shaking after a detox, then whatever it is will have a must clearer and better defined diagnosis.