Hi there,
Check out the link I pasted at the top, this is the sort of straw cup I bought for my daughter. She was also nursed and didn't so the sippy cups. She loves them and so do I, they are made for little ones to hold onto the handles. All you need to do to get your baby to learn how to use a straw is to suck up some of the liquid yourself, hold the other end of the straw with your finger to suctionit so it won't go out, and then put the open end in your baby's mouth and have her suck it out. You may have to do this a couple times, but she will get the hang of the straw! It is also better to use a straw cup for the development of the muscles in the tongue for speech, this is what I was told!
Now the only problem I occasionally experience with these cups is that is you tighten the top too often, it will crack, this happens by using the handle to tighten with. All you have to do is keep the little piece off the top of the cup. Call Munchkin (the number will be on a little pc of paper with the cup) and let them know they cracked, and they should send you a replacement lid. Unfortunately, this has happened a few times, so I waited until I had like 4 cracked ones, I bought 8 cups all toghether, then I caleed for the 4 replacements. Once your baby is old enough, inbetween 1-2 then you can get the cups without the handles, I think those lids should be fine not to crack?
Well good luck!