Hi S., I have twin 4 year old boys and one potty trained with no trouble, the other, well that was another story. He would pee in the potty but not poo. He, too, would hold it for days. I did finally take him to a gastrointerologist. She was great and he really liked her. (Dr. Condina) She put him on a Miralax regiment and very high fiber diet. She recommended 20 grams of fiber a day, which is hard for a kid who doesn't eat. But she said the blockage in his intestines would get harder and harder the longer it stayed in and thus the harder it is for them to pass it. It hurts and they get scared to go. It also pushes against their bladder which makes just urinating difficult. She may not like doctors, but you need to have this addressed. It could cause furhter damage if not taken care of. Good luck. By the way, my son is doing great now, hardly has had any accidents. The best to you and your husband also. Just take a deep breath and try to find a few moments a day for yourself. Be realistic and set goals for yourself. Instead of jumping into some unrealistic goals, try changing one thing at a time. "Denial diabetic", aye? If you possibly are, watch your diet. You need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of your husband and daughter. If your health fails, who will be there. Start taking your daughter on a short walk nightly. The fresh air will clear your head and you can do adventure sittings with her. Kids love it. We go out looking for frogs. 15 minutes tops, but its a start. Lay off sodas if you drink them!! Good luck S., I know it gets overwhelming some times. Bless you. R.