Whew, you got it coming and going, didn't you??
Okay, first of all, since your daughter is still so young, and you are intervening as early as you are, she stands an excellent chance of catching up to her classmates before not too long. So, she has a couple of challenges now, but these are NOT insurmountable.
There are dozens of moms on this board who will serve as excellent support for you. While I know you have been thrown a bunch of information at you recently, taken one at a time really is not so scary. Maybe dumping this all on you at one time was a little overwhelming. I know it would be for me.
My nearly six-year old daughter Mia did about four months with Babies Can't Wait. She too had a speech delay (receptive and expressive language skills). She also had some quirky ways of soliciting friendship from other young children. I thought this would be an ongoing problem with her. It is not.
Mia is in Kindergarten. She is doing quite well. Yeah, she had a couple of challenges to overcome when she was 3, 4 and close to 5. But she had excellent support. And now Mia is your typical silly, little tomboy who just LOVES to wear dresses.
Keep your head up here M.. You've come to the right place for support. I think your daughter will be just fine. It may take a little work. But the things she is dealing with, along with the appropriate teachers, will eventually be overcome.
All my best!!!
P.S. Depending on where you live (I am not sure if it is in Cherokee County), I would send my children to Jennifer Fowler and Wendy Stevens at Hickory Flat Elementary School. They have a special-needs preschool there. Jennifer works MIRACLES. Check her out.)