These questions and answers are the very reason why there are MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) as well as pertussis (whooping cough) outbreaks in highly educated and high SES (socio-economic status) communities in well as elsewhere in this country.
This really is a public health issue as one commenter suggests here. Meaning, your kids, my kids, immigrants kids...everyone is involved. That's public health! It's actually not kids from other countries that are spreading diseases...they're the kids from highly educated families who are declining vaccinations because of unfounded fears that are spreading these deadly diseases in their own communities.
Fair enough if you want to spread out your vaccines...just be informed and know that the delayed time is potentially exposing your child to morbidity (disease) and mortality (death). If your child is 2 months old and you delay your pertussis vaccine, of your hib vaccine, or your prevnar vaccine, are you willing to accept your child dying at three months because of that very same disease? Or maybe not dying but just getting meningitis and having developmental delays, hearing impairment, motor difficulties, pneumonia, etc etc? But not just that, your selfish decision is exposing your friends, neighboors and school mates to the same. Is that being a good citizen or friend?
Be good to each other, Correctly educate yourself and protect your child, your family and your community. There's a reason why certain diseases aren't as common now (i.e., polio), don't let complacency bring them back because "herd immunity" will only do so much. Are you willing to let your child be the "one" that gets sick...I'm not.
P. D..