We got into a pinch in the last year or so. I finally got a job at a church preschool 2 days a week. I was only looking to bring in a couple hundred a month, but didn't want to lose my evenings and had a child home with me 3 days a week so anything during the day would have required child care. He was going to preschool the other 2 days a week. So, once I got a job at the preschool he attended, I started bringing in about $300 a month, plus, his tuition was free which saved us even more money (and I no longer could spend an hour at Hobby Lobby or Walmart by myself spending money I didn't need to spend after dropping him off :). It has been the perfect answer to our prayer. I get to make a little money, still have my evenings and weekends with my family, and I'm only working when they are gone anyway. I get to see my oldest boy off to school and I'm home about 20 minutes before he gets home. So many bonuses, not to mention it's a really fun job too!