Hi Grandma,
My family has been plagued by many illnesses, like cancer, autism, cronic nerve pain, psoriasis, shingles, etc, etc!
I have been doing medical research online for about 4 years now. I have to agree with Laura's post, that toxin overload is a major factor in illnesses.
My sister has been suffering from chronic nerve pain for 10 years.They diagnosed her with Reflux Sympathetic Dystrophy. It is one of those "we don't know what causes it" diseases. I was never satisfied with that,( or my mom's dying of cancer, or my daughters thrush, erythema, and autism.) so I went on a fact finding mission!
Im my extensive study on Candidas I can look back on my sister's early symptoms through out her life (exzema, migraines, bodily damage) and see how they were a precurser to her disease now.... pointing to a toxic overload, most likey Candida. So many toxins eventually have damaged her nerve fibers, seemingly permanently for her.
Skin rashes of all kinds start erupting when the nerves are attacked by viruses, (herpes, shingles, etc)bacteria (staph, etc.) fungus (psoriasis, exzema, shingles, herpes, boils, etc)and even prescription drugs (erythema multiforme.)The skin is the largest organ in your body. Is is a detoxing organ.
Candida in the gut gives off a terrible toxin and it causes a weakened immune system and it also proliferated when the immune system is weakened.It occurs from the garbage food we eat.Our bodies become malnourished from garbage food and lack of vitamins, and a weakened body is easily attacked by invaders. All kinds of degenerative diseases start to occur.
I would take a many pronged approach to your husband's disease.I guess I'm rambling but I have so many thoughts in my head. I've noticed that excess sugar can send responses to the skin...itching, and boils. (sugar feeds candida.)So I would get off the sugar and ALL refined foods. Eat a low carb diet of veggies, meats, butter, coconut oil (coconut oil is wonderful)etc. Throw out leftovers after a day, or 2 at most. they start growing mold within hours after they sit in the fridge! Grapefruit seed extract is wonderful for killing candida, bacteria, and viruses so take that and make a salve with a small amount in it. Also take caprylic acid tablets.
The nerves run on hydro electricity. So MORE WATER INTAKE is essential for nerve function. Coffee, soda, etc is a directic, causing your body to loose water and dehydrate, and then your body pulls the water from other parts of your body to run it's most vital organs,(the heart, brain, etc)So get off the other drinks and start drinking more water. 8 ounces for every 25 pounds of body weight, minimum.
Vitamin b is extrememly important for nerve function and it is a water souluable vitamin that we do not store. So take it every day. Most people are defecient in it.
Low zinc causes impared immune response.
L-argenine is important for immune function and is depleated when the body is under attack or injured.
Of course, vit c is a big one. I don't think anyone gets enough.
Vit A in the form of cod liver oil is a must as well.It is a superfood. The highest form of vit A., plus D is in it.
try to limit sulpher in his diet.
Here's what I've read about shingles: start taking very high doses of vit c (2000 mg day)vit E, and B12 together (not sure of dosing on the last 2)at the start of attack.