I second the recommendation of Dr. Lauren Lubin in Burbank. I LOVE her! It took me a while to find someone I really liked. I hated feeling rushed and never having all my questions answered. Dr. Lubin actually sits down while she is in with your child, which definitely sends the body language that she is not going anywhere until every question is answered. And they always are.
I had a really bad experience with Dr. Germaine Green. I can't recommend her or her office. I never waited less than 45 mins. (and up to an hour and a half) in the waiting room. I'm not even talking about making it to the examining room, which was another wait. Her waiting room is very small and filled with sick kids. My son would get sick every time he went to see her. Her receptionist is very rude. But, I let those things go until I had a bad experience with her. My son had a reaction to the MMR vaccine 1 week after his shot. Even though the CDC website, and many other sources, said that reacctions occur one week later with the MMR, she insisted you can't get a reaction more than 24-48 hours after the shot. My concern was this was not a rare disease, but a vaccine that EVERY child in her practice could receive. How could she not know the fact that 15-20% of kids get this reaction? I don't think I am being too nit-picky, I really want my pediatrician to know these basics or at least be willing to look things up.
I do believe in vacinating, so I don't know Dr. Lubin's position on that. But, she strikes me as more open to discussion than other doctors I've seen.