It's tough being a single mother, especially to a baby. I was in that same situation (and still am, but now she's 4). You just feel alone and love being a mother, but can't get over the alone feelings. I was and still am always on the phone to talk to people. It's tough, but you go through a lot of wonderful things too. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm sure you're in the same boat. I never thought about seeking out help medically. I still get the blues every now and then, but I try and stay positive. My best advice is to either talk to people over the phone or try and meet other mothers. But even that sometimes gets depressing because they aren't single and don't have the same wants/needs. lol I understand, don't have any real answers, just letting you know others are in the same situations. :o) It'll work out and you'll find a way through it all. If you ever want to talk or anything, let me know. :o)