I'm not sure what your range for affordable is or where you live, but you're not looking too early. Most pre-schools are enrolling kids for the fall *right now*, so you should start calling around to make appointments to view the preschool and obtain an application. Most of the schools require an application fee and a registration fee in addition to the regular tuition. One of the things to consider is the type of learning environment you'd like for your son, such as Montessori, religious, multiple intelligences, or early childhood based curriculums. It's best to visit the school 1 to 2 times (once in the morning, once in the afternoon) to get a sense of how the school works: what the children do during the day, the quality of the facilities, and the availability and competence of the staff. If a school doesn't feel "right" to you, it probably isn't. I also think it's a good idea to speak with the head of the school, if possible, because that will give you a good idea of the overall tone and environment under which the school operates. If you'd like more info, please feel free to contact me. I'm in the NE heights, so I can tell you about the schools I've checked out there. Good luck!