I belong to the Downers Grove Moms meetup group through meetup.com. There are over 90 moms from Downers Grove and the neighboring communities and we have various activities going on at any point in time, including (but not limited to) zoo trips, stroller walks and playgroups at members' homes. My 19 month-old son and I just joined a couple of months ago and have already been to over a dozen events and have met some really nice people. On our "about" page page it reads: "Moms and their newborns/infants/toddlers living in the Downers Grove area meet for conversation, a little adventure and play. Meeting sites can range from public places (coffee houses, parks, malls) to member homes". The group is free to join and its a great way for you to meet other moms and for your child to have the opportunity to interact with other kids. If you're intersted in joining, go to meetup.com, register and then look for the Downers Grove Moms group. You can search by city or interest. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. We would love to have you!