I have an idea for you on the pacifer. My grandson was also stuck on it and my daughter tried something that worked GREAT!!! We took him to Build a Bear and let him pick out an animal to make - he picked the monkey. Before we went several days before hand we told him that we were going to go make a titi animal (titi was name of his pacifer) and that his titi was going inside the animal. We went to the store put some stuffing in placed the pacifier in and put a lullaby in the hand. It worked like magic. He is now 3 and sleeps with TITI Monkey ocassional at night, at first it was everynight. The comfort is he knows the pacifier is there but he is unable to suck on it. He knows where it is inside the monkey too. So he knows it is there. Note: you have to get rid of all of the other pacifiers in the house and make sure this is the last one.
My daughter is 25 with 2 sweet boys, a 3yr old (July 2007) and a new 11 week baby. She is going thru a divorce and works in Tampa. Where are you located?
Good Luck with the pacifer, hope this works for you.
On the potty training we are still going thru that - although I have seen the new urnials for potty training and think they would work great!! My grandson hates the potty chair and refused to use it so we bought one of those seats that go over the toilet seat.