Hi L.,
I just had this procedure done a few months ago and would do it all over again in a heart beat! I had severe cramping and although my period was not as heavy as some people that I had spoken with, it had started getting heavier with each period. Since I've had it, my period has stopped completely and so have the cramps:-) Unfortunately, it doesn't stop all of the PMS symptoms, but my moods have improved drastically-just deal with the breast tenderness once a month when my period is due. As far as the process itself, I don't remember a whole lot. It is an outpatient procedure. I went into pre-op where we did the tons of paperwork-if you take medication-make a list to take with you to give to the nurses. Seems like we had to repeat the list of medications on tons of forms. The surgical center that I went to let my husband stay with me up until the time I went into surgery and he was waiting for me in recovery when I woke up. I really don't remember anything about the surgery. I do remember the nurses asking me to help them transfer myself from one table to another, but I don't actually remember doing that. (they said I did it on my own) I did have a reaction to the anesthesia-woke up with claw marks on my body from itching insanely! I don't remember if what they gave me for that was an injection or something they put in my IV, but it worked really fast. When I was fully awake, they offered me whatever I wanted to drink and it wasn't long until I was getting dressed and on my way home. We filled the prescription for pain meds on the way home, but I never had to use them. I did take some tylenol the next day for cramping, but it was nothing more than the cramping that I dealt with during a "normal" period. The day after that, I was out working in my flower bed with no problems. My doctor did tell me that it affected everyone differently, but that most of his patients were up and about the next day. Just do what your body feels like it can do. My parents live with me and they require a lot of attention, as they're on up in the years and my mom has severe medical problems. I did make arrangements ahead of time to have someone take care of them for 3 days. I have to lift my mom a lot and didn't want to take a chance because I didn't know how the procedure would affect me. I had never heard of this procedure before my doctor discussed it with me, but apparently it's a pretty common practice now days. Like I said, if given the choice, I'd do it all over again without even thinking about it.
Good luck in your decision and the procedure if you decide to have it done.