Hi S.,
I'm new to mamasource (couple days). I saw your note and thought I'd add my two cents with regard to my son Collin.
Collin will be 7 in May. From 9 months on he's been (to say the least) hard. I knew there was SOMETHING wrong with him and it took until this past summer to get a diagnosis of ADHD from Childrens Hospital in Boston. He also has devenlopmental problems. He's very tiny for 6 years old and he only weighs 37 pounds (my third son who's 21 months weights 25 pounds).
I live in Marlboro, MA and the special services and school system has been wonderful for me and Collin. He started with early intervention at 2.5 and from then on he has gotten services (OT and Speach). Progress has been extremely slow, but at least there is progress.
As I said we finally got a diagnosis from Childrens Hospital this past summer. They suggested NO meds at this time, but my husband and I (and our Pedi was in agreement)thought we'd TRY some meds. Collin's behavior was getting more out of controll and of course he couldn't sit still for a second.
We started with 10mg of Adderall at the beginning of September, but that didn't seem to do anything. We then switched to 10 mg of Metadate. We started to see some calming and improvement in behavior (he's ourbursts and tantrams were lessening just a bit). We then upped the dose to 20mg. That's as far as we've gotten. With side affects of insomnia and weightloss, I was too afraid to go any higher. We also saw major changes.
The first person to see the major change was his bus driver. Before he would have to sit up front because he'd hit other kids or jump around in his seat. By the third day he could sit calmly and was allowed to sit where ever he wanted. This was HUGE. The bus driver and I both cried. His sped teachers saw calming changes. He was able to write his name for the first time (In first grade) and draw a pictures, where he couldn't before. He was able to talk and let others know what his feelings were what he wanted.
I just wanted to say that meds aren't all that bad. We didn't want to go that route either, but we finally decided to just try and it's worked out (for now). I hope we don't have to keep him on it forever, but right now it's day to day.
We have other things we're dealing with now. He hyper focuses on his fingers. Bites and chews his nails and skin around. There is a bandaid on almost every finger.
I just wanted to email you what's going on with me and my little boy.
Did you try the coffee?
I'm a stay at home mom in Marlboro Ma. I have a business of transfering home movies to DVD's. I love doing it and it keeps me connected with other families.
Please excuse typo's, grammer and spelling errors...not my strong suit.