I have ATT Wireless and a soon to be 14 yr old on 12/27. Hubby and I will celebrate 20 yrs marriage on 12/31.
Personally, I have never gone through daughter's text, voice mail, email, notebooks, etc. In my opinion, I would be violating her privacy. She respects my privacy as well.
The majority of her friends have cell phones and their numbers are in my phone as well as one of their parents. We have a very social daughter and we have very open communication with her, her friends and friends' parents.
For security purposes, I do have her myspace account login and password for a weekly check (she has no idea when I will choose to check) but that is entirely to make sure her site is on private and no weirdos are messaging her. This is how most parents I know handle the internet monitoring for myspace and yahoo.
I guess....IF I HAD GOOD REASON....I might check up on her.... but not without her knowledge.......we have wide open lines of communications here and there are no subjects off limits..... I see no reason to snoop though her things and I would NEVER do it behind her back. We have a trust/trust relationship here.
A justified reason to check up on her would be ......if she lies, sneaks, grades drop (from honors student status), behavior change, drugs or alcohol evidence etc. STILL, I would be talking with her before I would invade her personal space.
I continue to resent my mom for always going behind my back trying to find something I was doing wrong. I was a good kid with an academic scholarship, paid the remainder of my way through college through winnings via the Miss America pagaent system and 2 jobs. To this day....I have no relationship with my meddling mother.
I truly apologize if I come across offensive. I do understand there are circumstances which would warrant checking a teens phone.